Muslims Condemn Violence
Sky News - Isleworth,UK
Muslims in the UK are more likely to unequivocally condemn the use of violence to further a "noble cause" than the general public. ...
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Pandits, Muslims break ice in Kashmir
Daily News & Analysis - Mumbai,India
They wanted to provide a platform for the migrant Pandits and Muslims, who share a language and a culture but are divided by circumstances. ...
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Bolstering Moderate Muslims
New York Sun - New York,NY,USA
When I suggest that radical Muslims are the problem and that moderate Muslims are the solution, the nearly inevitable retort from most people is: "What ...
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Srebrenica Muslims Set Up Protest Camp In Sarajevo - Zagreb,Croatia
Bosnian Muslims from the town of Srebrenica launched a protest camp asking for self-rule free of the authority of the Bosnian Serbs. ...
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Bosnia: Srebrenica Muslims Demand Own Government
Stratfor - USA
Muslims from Srebrenica, Bosnia-Herzegovina, plan to set up a camp in the center of the capital, Sarajevo, to demand their own government in Srebrenica, ...
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Media Coverage of Pakistan Stokes Global Terrorism Fears
Newswise (press release) - USA
The study also documented how the press covered Muslims and Islam post-9/11 when it seemed like every talking head was asking plaintively “Why do they hate ...
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Moderate Muslims must help discredit Al-Qaeda's ideology
Daily Star - Lebanon - Beirut,Lebanon
In a nutshell, Al-Qaeda can only be defeated if its ideology is discredited by Muslims; and if the West recognizes that this ideology, no matter how twisted ...
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AKI - Rome,Italy
Paris, 16 April (AKI) - French Muslims should get out and vote in France's presidential election next week. And while it is not important that they vote for ...
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Smear campaign against Muslims (press release) - Srinigar,India
These days targeting Muslims seems to be very easy and various ways are taken up but the cheapest of these is to do the delinquent acts by other nations or ...
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Nigeria: Islam and the Muslims: Good News from Asia - Washington,USA
In one of my previous writings recently, I told readers that Asia has more Muslims than any other continent in the world. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia itself ...
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Below is the story and our response in a Press Release which hits the national and international news wires in the morning.
Ths Press releasae describes the issues surrounding our event at Stanford University. All our supporters we ask please email Stanford at their outrage and intellectual dishonesty using a professional tone.
His email address is
president@stanford.eduhis actual name is John L. Hennessy
Stanford University to Bar Media & General Public
From Attending Three Ex-Terrorists Event
On April 16, former terrorists, Walid Shoebat, Kamal Saleem and Zak Anani are scheduled to speak at Kresge Auditorium on the Stanford University campus, at 7:00 PM PT. They speak from a unique perspective, about their involvement in terrorism
Stanford has now barred the media, and anyone outside the university community (except for limited V.I.P.'s) from attending, and has stopped the facilitator from filming the event due to "risk assessment".
Keith Davies, the executive director of the Shoebat Foundation says, "We have encountered similar problems at Princeton and Columbia yet we have no problems when our speakers appear in State schools like UC Davis, UC Santa Barbara, and UCLA - public institutions who implement first amendment rights. It is obvious that these private schools have a concern about having these brave voices being heard. They should upgrade their practice of access to be comparable to that of State Universities. If we allow our freedoms to be hindered as result of the fear of terrorist threats, America is lost."
Is the issue at Stanford one of an agenda or fear? Either way why are they making a diligent effort to keep this event as low profile as possible? If they did this at a State school they would be infringing on the speakers first amendment rights.
Keynote speaker Walid Shoebat responds; "I am accused of being an 'Islamaphobe,' yet university administrators are demonstrating this same prejudice, under the guise of 'risk assessment.' It is astounding that this shrouded excuse is being implemented in America, where we are afforded the inalienable rights of freedom of assembly and free speech," continues Mr. Shoebat.
The students were given conditional approval to hold this event this past Friday, April 6th after many weeks of delays by Stanford's Student Affairs Department. It is obvious that these administrators wished to restrict the time allowed to students for planning and promotion of the event.
Megan Reiss, one of the college students helping to organize the event complains; "Stanford University Administration has gone out of their way to make the staging of this event as difficult as possible, and it has been a most frustrating experience. It seems there is a double standard in which the outside public and press have not been barred on other events where speakers openly support terror organizations like Hamas, Hezbollah and even Al Qaeda."
As a result of this development the Walid Shoebat Foundation will hold a press conference at 4.30 pm on April 16th in Palo Alto at a location to be announced on a further Press release on the morning of April 16th at 9 am PST.
Last night there was a fantastic report on CBS 5 in San Francisco below is link to watch the segment have couple of dozen interviews lined up so far and we hopefully will get more.
Stanford by their actions helped us greatly.
Keith Davies
Past Week Breaking NewsEvery day, our editors scour the web for news items of interest in the areas of world events, religion, and technology. Here are some
choice news that we found this past week:
The following are
some other popular breaking news of this past week:
more interesting news...-------------------------------------------------------------------------
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April 13, 2007 | End-Time News Report by Herb Peters
Herb is a newspaper columnist converted to an end-time prophecy reporter. He has been studying prophecy for over 30 years and owns the #1 Endtime Prophecy News website. NEWS topics concerning Mr. Europe: Covenant with many – including Israel, Heads NATO, 10-nation military alliance in Europe, Subdues 3 nations, EU creates Office for first Mr. Europe, Two documents numbered 666, Implements his 10 nation’s Assembly, Gives himself emergency powers, Negotiates secret treaty with Washington ...more >
The Secret of Solomon's Key Revealed by Michael Hoggard
Like the fictional character Robert Langdon in Dan Brown’s The DaVinci Code, Michael Hoggard reveals from the illuminati the most darkest, diabolical secrets in the world. Using the elements of Scripture numeric’s, Bible Typology, and the prophetic Word of God, Michael reveals the truth behind: The meaning behind the sacred design of Washington D.C., God’s Longitude, Freemasons using children to bring in the New World Order...more >
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|  Illuminati: Game or Blueprint for World Domination Gift of: $25 Item: D-IGO01 Freedom to Dictatorship Gift of: $25  Item: D-TRO01 | | | | |
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First Temple wall found in City of David
A wall from the First Temple was recently uncovered in Jerusalem's City of David, strengthening the claim that it is the site of the palace of King David, an Israeli archeologist said Thursday. The new find, made by Dr. Eilat Mazar, a senior fellow at the Shalem Center's Institute for the Archeology of the Jewish People, comes less than two years after she said she had discovered the palace's location at the site just outside the walls of the Old City. The monumental 10th century BCE building found by Mazar in 2005 following a six month dig has ignited debate among archaeologists about whether it is indeed the palace built for the victorious David by King Hiram of Tyre as recounted in Samuel II:5. A 20-meter-long section of the 7-meter-thick wall has now been uncovered. It indicates that the City of David once served as a major government center, Mazar said. Mazar estimates less than a quarter of the entire wall has been uncovered so far, and says that it is the largest site from King David's time ever to have been discovered. The dig is sponsored by the capital's Shalem Center, with academic backing from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
| Biblical prophecy finds way to legislators in battle over ID plan
LITTLE ROCK --As state legislators line up against the U.S. government's attempt to standardize driver's licenses nationwide, some believe it is a beastly plot that will draw the world closer to the apocalypse. Their inspiration: a magazine dedicated to biblical prophecy. Their fear: national ID numbers given to residents are the mark of the beast, the 666 from the Book of Revelation. "The ramifications are horrendous," said Sen. Ruth Whitaker, whose resolution opposing the Real ID Act of 2005 has passed the Arkansas Senate. "If there is anything akin to Nazi Germany, it is this act." Congress hopes to reduce identity theft and boost national security by requiring people to use Real IDs to board airplanes, enter federal buildings and open some bank accounts. Those who dabble in biblical prophecy say the new government-issued numbers mark the beginning of the end. "People are very concerned if the federal government gives you a number, it will be the mark of the beast," said Missouri Rep. Jim Guest, the sponsor of a resolution similar to Whitaker's. "There are everyday people who get the connection to 666." Legislators in Georgia, Maine, Montana, New Mexico, Vermont, Washington state and Wyoming have also balked at Real ID and a bill filed in Congress by Rep. Thomas Allen, D-Maine, would repeal it. Many complain that states will have to pay billions of dollars to put the system in place by the end of 2009, as mandated by Congress. Resolutions in Arkansas, Georgia, Maine and Missouri were offered after legislators read materials, spoke to or had indirect contact with Endtime Ministries of Dallas, whose magazine, radio show and outreach examines current events through the prism of Christian apocalypse.
| Is 'mark of the beast' in Real ID Act?
JEFFERSON CITY — A dire, apocalyptic prophecy in the Bible's Book of Revelation is getting a new audience: state legislators. Several evangelical Christian groups say the federal Real ID Act, which will standardize state drivers licenses and link them to corresponding national ID numbers by 2009, represents the "mark of the beast," the devilish number 666 that is attached to the godless. The nearly 2,000-year-old passage is referenced along with the prophetic locusts, plagues, oceans of blood and rivers of fire found in the Bible. Soon after, according to scripture, the antichrist takes control of the world and Jesus Christ returns. In short, new national ID numbers could spell the beginning of the end, some Christians believe. "This is getting treacherously close to prophecy in the scripture," said Irvin Baxter Jr., founder and president of Endtime Ministries in Dallas. And some Missouri legislators are listening. Some Christians interpret verses from the book of Revelation that say humans will be "marked … so that no one can buy or sell who does not have that mark" as a prophecy of a global numerical control system to be used by the beast, or antichrist. The number would be used during the Great Tribulation, which some Christians believe will precede the second coming of Jesus.
| Could Real ID Act Herald the Apocalypse?
Just in case you needed another reason the hate the federal Real ID Act, besides its cost, potential invasion of privacy and monumental inconvenience, some evangelical Christians are sure the law is the next step to the apocalypse and represents the "mark of the beast." By requiring the universal issuance of high-tech national identification cards, typically in the form of a drivers license, some fundamentalists contend that the Real ID Act is predicted in the Book of Revelations. "Some Christians interpret verses from the book of Revelation that say humans will be 'marked … so that no one can buy or sell who does not have that mark' as a prophecy of a global numerical control system to be used by the beast, or antichrist. The number would be used during the Great Tribulation, which some Christians believe will precede the second coming of Jesus," writes Derek Kravitz in the Jefferson City, Missouri Post-dispatch. Under the Real ID Act, persons not carrying the state-issued ID cards would not be allowed to board commercial airliners, open certain bank accounts or enter federal buildings, including courthouses -- acts equated by some with the ability to "buy or sell" as stated in Revelations.
| Israel: Jews' Sanhedrin To Sacrifice Passover Lamb
They are going to do it. They are going to sacrifice a lamb for Passover in Israel. The contemporary Sanhedrin has been meeting for some time in order to put in place this Old Testament rite, per Religion News Service's Deborah Pardo-Kaplan. These Jews meet in a tiny apartment in Nahlaot. There are thirteen Orthodox Jews who gather every Tuesday to converse and program. "They are the management team of a larger developing Sanhedrin, or religious court, in Israel. "And they plan to sacrifice sheep on the Temple Mount on the day before or one month after Passover, which starts at sundown April 2. Either date is permissible under Jewish law. 'If the government will not resist,' said Rabbi Dov Stein, 68, a member of the group, 'we will do it.'" This makes Christians knowledgeable concerning biblical prophecy to perk up their ears. What is going on here? Could it be the preparation of the next temple to be constructed in Jerusalem? If so, the temple will be built on Solomon's original temple site that would be alongside the Muslims' Dome of the Rock. The latter is in the courtyard of Solomon's original temple. However, for the next temple to be built, there would be a Muslims-Jewish conflict on a huge scale for the Temple Mount is presently fraught with tension. Muslims basically control it, not permitting Jews or Christians to appear at all spiritual while physically being there. If anyone even gives the hint of praying, he is scolded by Muslim police. No religious literature can be carried onto the Mount, except that pertaining to Islam.
| Solana: Stage being set for 'comprehensive peace'
Developments in the Middle East are pointing toward a comprehensive peace agreement between Israel and the Arab world for the first time in decades, the European Union's foreign policy chief said Saturday. "The Arab League for the first time in many years has assumed the responsibility to be more active in the peace process," Javier Solana said. "If you put that together with the reaction of (Israeli) Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, the two things ... are beginning to construct the dynamic that could lead to the settlement of a crisis that has been with us for many years." Solana, who attended last week's Arab League summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, praised the hosts for assuming a leadership role in reviving a 2002 Arab peace initiative. "The moment in which we are living is a moment of hope that we may be able to move the process of a comprehensive peace forward," Solana told reporters at the end of a meeting of EU foreign ministers. | 'Gay'-rights bill lets court define church's 'purpose'
A plan being shoved down a fast track in the Oregon Legislature would give homosexuals a vast range of new state laws they could use to impose their moral perspective on Christians across the state, according to opponents who fear for their speech and religious expression rights. Senate Bill 2, on its face, is written to enshrine in state law special protections for homosexuals by classifying them as a protected civil rights group. But hundreds of pastors – whose churches include tens of thousands of evangelical Christians – are horrified by what they see advancing virtually without opposition. "Senate Bill 2, in the Oregon House of Representatives, if passed, will limit your free speech rights and rights of conscience; require public schools to teach that homosexual/lesbian/bisexual behavior is 'okay' and 'moral'; impact your rights as a business owner; and put judges in authority on certain church matters," according to David Crowe, of the Christian ministry called Restore America. | Russians insistent on U.S. Iran attack
With Tehran continuing to move ahead with its nuclear plans, rumors persist the White House is planning a military strike on Iran in April. "Preparations to strike Iran's strategic facilities continue," Col. Gen. Leonid Ivashov, president of the Academy for Geopolitical Problems, a Russian think tank, told Moscow-based news service Interfax. "Three major groups of U.S. forces are still in the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf. Altogether, they have up to 450 cruise missiles on alert." "Military operations against Tehran will begin with the launch of at least two unexpected strikes using Tomahawk cruise missiles and air power in order to disable Iran's air-defense capabilities." "According to our data, up to 150 aircraft are to be involved in each strike on Iran. Land-based air-defense systems will be disabled in the first place, then mobile short-range systems, which Tehran has (including some 30 new systems)," he said.
| Revolution, flashmobs, and brain chips. A grim vision of the future
Information chips implanted in the brain. Electromagnetic pulse weapons. The middle classes becoming revolutionary, taking on the role of Marx's proletariat. The population of countries in the Middle East increasing by 132%, while Europe's drops as fertility falls. "Flashmobs" - groups rapidly mobilised by criminal gangs or terrorists groups. This is the world in 30 years' time envisaged by a Ministry of Defence team responsible for painting a picture of the "future strategic context" likely to face Britain's armed forces. It includes an "analysis of the key risks and shocks". Rear Admiral Chris Parry, head of the MoD's Development, Concepts & Doctrine Centre which drew up the report, describes the assessments as "probability-based, rather than predictive". The 90-page report comments on widely discussed issues such as the growing economic importance of India and China, the militarisation of space, and even what it calls "declining news quality" with the rise of "internet-enabled, citizen-journalists" and pressure to release stories "at the expense of facts". It includes other, some frightening, some reassuring, potential developments that are not so often discussed. New weapons An electromagnetic pulse will probably become operational by 2035 able to destroy all communications systems in a selected area or be used against a "world city" such as an international business service hub. The development of neutron weapons which destroy living organs but not buildings "might make a weapon of choice for extreme ethnic cleansing in an increasingly populated world". The use of unmanned weapons platforms would enable the "application of lethal force without human intervention, raising consequential legal and ethical issues". The "explicit use" of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons and devices delivered by unmanned vehicles or missiles. Technology By 2035, an implantable "information chip" could be wired directly to the brain. A growing pervasiveness of information communications technology will enable states, terrorists or criminals, to mobilise "flashmobs", challenging security forces to match this potential agility coupled with an ability to concentrate forces quickly in a small area. Marxism "The middle classes could become a revolutionary class, taking the role envisaged for the proletariat by Marx," says the report. The thesis is based on a growing gap between the middle classes and the super-rich on one hand and an urban under-class threatening social order: "The world's middle classes might unite, using access to knowledge, resources and skills to shape transnational processes in their own class interest". Marxism could also be revived, it says, because of global inequality. An increased trend towards moral relativism and pragmatic values will encourage people to seek the "sanctuary provided by more rigid belief systems, including religious orthodoxy and doctrinaire political ideologies, such as popularism and Marxism".
| Russia threatening new cold war over missile defence
Russia is preparing its own military response to the US's controversial plans to build a new missile defence system in eastern Europe, according to Kremlin officials, in a move likely to increase fears of a cold war-style arms race. The Kremlin is considering active counter-measures in response to Washington's decision to base interceptor missiles and radar installations in Poland and the Czech Republic, a move Russia says will change "the world's strategic stability". The Kremlin has not publicly spelt out its plans. But defence experts said its response is likely to include upgrading its nuclear missile arsenal so that it is harder to shoot down, putting more missiles on mobile launchers, and moving its fleet of nuclear submarines to the north pole, where they are virtually undetectable. Russia could also bring the new US silos within the range of its Iskander missiles launched potentially from the nearby Russian enclave of Kaliningrad, they add. In an interview with the Guardian, the Kremlin's chief spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said Moscow felt betrayed by the Pentagon's move. "We were extremely concerned and disappointed. We were never informed in advance about these plans. It brings tremendous change to the strategic balance in Europe, and to the world's strategic stability."
| Unesco intends to put the magic back in Babylon
BABYLON, Iraq In this ancient city, it is hard to tell what are ruins and what is just ruined. Crumbling mud-brick buildings, some 2,500 years old, look like smashed sandcastles at the beach. Signs of military occupation are everywhere: trenches, bullet casings, shiny coils of razor wire and blast walls stamped "This side Scud protection." Babylon, the city with the million- dollar name, has paid the price of war. It has been ransacked, looted, torn up, paved over, neglected and roughly occupied. Archaeologists said American soldiers had even used soil thick with priceless artifacts to stuff sandbags. But Iraqi leaders and UN officials are not giving up on it. They are working assiduously to restore Babylon, home to the Hanging Gardens, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. They want to turn it into a cultural center and possibly even an Iraqi theme park. | Anglicans to vote on controversial resolution
CANADIAN ANGLICANS will soon vote on a resolution which states that "the blessing of same-sex unions is consistent with the core doctrine of the Anglican Church of Canada." The vote will take place during the General Synod, which meets every three years, and is the chief governing mechanism of the denomination in Canada. This year's synod will meet June 19 - 25 in Winnipeg. The controversial resolution is one of five resolutions on the topic that were agreed on by the Council of General Synod at a meeting March 8 - 11 in Mississauga, Ontario. The Council is a smaller body that serves as an executive between meetings of the General Synod. The same-sex resolution, if passed, could sever the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC) from many other national bodies throughout the worldwide Anglican communion; and it could cause some Canadian members to leave the church. Michael Pollesel, General Secretary of the General Synod, told he expects "a heartfelt and deeply searching debate" on the resolution. Noting that Council resolutions are turned down by General Synod "all the time," he added, "How it's going to end, I couldn't say."
| 53% of Russian nukes not safely secured
Russian experts are expressing renewed alarm over the safety of the country's nuclear stockpiles, fearing terrorists will have no trouble gaining access. "Only 47 percent of them are secured in a safe manner," according to Victor Mizin, a former high-ranking Russian diplomat. That means bout 300 tons of radioactive materials need modernized physical security, especially now, when global terrorists such as al-Qaida are striving to obtain access. "If any of the terrorist groups will decide to obtain Russian nuclear materials for the purpose of making dirty bombs, they would be able to accomplish their goal relatively easy," Mizin said.
| Report: Hezbollah says rearming, prepared for summer war with Israel
Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Kassem told the British newspaper the Guardian that the group is rearming in the wake of the Second Lebanon War and is prepared for another war this summer. "We are prepared for the possibility of another adventure or the demand of American policy that might push the IDF [Israeli Defense Forces] in that direction," said Kassem in an interview published Wednesday. The United States, France and Great Britain are pushing for a special United Nations expert committee to examine ongoing weapons smuggling to Hezbollah across the Lebanon-Syria border. The push apparently came in the wake of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's visit to the region, after which he briefed the UN Security Council on the smuggling. Ban said that he "received information from Israel and other countries" that included evidence of arms smuggling from Syria and Iran to Hezbollah, calling it a "blatant violation" of Security Council resolutions - including the resolution that led to a cease-fire in the Second Lebanon War.
| Iran leads attack against U.S. dollar
While the world press has focused on Iran's plans to move ahead with enriching uranium, Tehran continues to wage economic war against the U.S. dollar behind the scenes. Tehran has reached a decision to end all oil sales in dollars, according to statements by Iran's central bank governor, Ehrabhim Sheibany, in Kuala Lumpur at the end of last month. Zhuhai Zhenrong Trading, a Chinese state-run company that buys 240,000 barrels of oil per day from Iran, approximately 10 percent of Iran's 2.2 million barrels per day total output, has confirmed a shift to the euro for its Iranian oil purchases. About 60 percent of Iran's oil income is currently in non-dollar currencies, according to Hojjatollah Ghanimifard, who is responsible for international affairs for National Iranian Oil.
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6:57am He was a 23-year-old loner, with roots half a world away in South Korea, who hated "rich kids" and will now go down in US history as a notorious killer. more
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5:57am BREAKING NEWS Gunman runs rampant at Washington university killing at least 30 in worst mass shooting in US history. more
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British prime-minister-in-waiting Gordon Brown faces another tough week as critics pan his "surprise" first meeting with US President George Bush. more
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