Calls grow for Hilali resignation
Political attack on cleric intensifies following reports he expressed support for Iranian Government. more
Western Muslims Need A "Fourth Estate"alt.muslim - USASecond, there are far too many columnists who have made it their mission to degrade Islam and dehumanize Muslims, often asking rhetorical questions ...See all stories on this topic
Muslims to vote for secular candidates in UP electionsLudhiana Newsline - Ludhiana,India“We got reports that communalist parties are trying to create differences between Hindu and Muslims in the state, thereby leading to sensitive condition. ...See all stories on this topic
Positive thinking can remove Muslims’ backwardness: K Rahman KhanIndian Muslims - San Diego,CA,USAJaipur, April 9 ( Muslims should have positive thinking; they will have to believe in action rather than reaction. ...See all stories on this topic
Oveflow of MuslimsBowling Green Daily News - Bowling Green,KY,USAAbout three-quarters of Germany's Muslims, including most of the 800000 who have become citizens, are immigrants from Turkey and their descendants. ...See all stories on this topic
Nigeria: OTM Wants Muslims to Participate in - Washington,USAThe Organisation of Tadhamunul Muslimeen (OTM) has implored Muslims to take part actively in politics in order to contribute positively to the development ...See all stories on this topic
Ranil must apologise to Muslims - Muslim clergyCeylon Daily News - Ceylon,Sri Lanka"We as Muslim theologians strongly state that this statement is false and a serious insult to all Muslims and ancient Buddhists of Central Asia describing ...See all stories on this topic
Muslims seek to make good use of welfare plansFinancial Express - Bombay,IndiaThey called upon Muslims to take advantage of the government’s welfare schemes in promoting literacy and employment opportunities. ...See all stories on this topic
What Do Muslims Want?National Review Online Blogs - New York,NY,USAThis is undoubtedly the case for devout Muslims who voluntarily relocate to Western nations. This invariably will compromise what may of them profess to be ...See all stories on this topic
Australia pressures Muslims to sack leaderIndependent Online - Cape Town,South AfricaSydney - The Australian government increased pressure on local Muslims on Monday to sack their controversial leader after he reportedly expressed support ...See all stories on this topic
RSS chief Sudarshan rubs shoulders with - Jacksonville,FL,USANew Delhi, Apr 9: Rhastriya Swayamsevak Sangh Chief KS Sudarshan was seen mingling with Muslims poets and sharing poems at a recent a Mushiyra (poem ...See all stories on this topic
Under pressure: Quit as mufti or leave, Sheik al-Hilali told
Iran 'closer to nuclear weapons'
IRAN announced overnight it had begun the "industrial stage" of nuclear fuel production, in a fresh snub to the UN which has demanded it halt such work.
Dili: No clear winner expected in East Timor election
Washington: Guantanamo hunger strikers force-fed
Diggers to take on Taliban
11:37am SAS, commandos among 300-troop taskforce ordered to "disrupt Taliban command", PM says. more
- Sacked worker shoots ex-colleagues- Britain bans troops from selling stories
- Calls grow for Hilali resignation
While I was in Iraq in harm’s way last week, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was having tea with Syrian leader Bashar Assad. The people with whom I met were outraged and commented, “What she’s doing...having tea with terrorists...gets people killed.”
A US State Department spokesperson stated, “This is a country that is a state-sponsor of terror, one that is trying to disrupt the Senora government in Lebanon, and one that is allowing foreign fighters to flow into Iraq from its borders.” It was suggested that perhaps Speaker Pelosi should “take a step back and think about the message” she was sending to terrorists worldwide.
There is speculation that her trip is an indication that she plans to take an active role in US foreign policy. The White House insists that behavior such as Pelosi’s can do more harm than good.
Should Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi have gone to Syria?
Vote your Opinion
Your vote will be sent to Ms. Pelosi.
Click here to receive articles by Mike Evans, intelligence reports from the Middle East, and to receive notices of scheduled showings of the television documentary, The Final Move Beyond Iraq. Dr. Evans’ book by the same name, The Final Move Beyond Iraq, will be released in mid-May.
High-risk mission for troops
John Howard warns of casualties among troops who will be sent to Afghanistan to bolster Australia's deployment. more
New SAS group to take on Taliban leaders
- Online sheriff is sought
Ramos Horta leads Timor poll
The voting trend in East Timor's presidential elections is unclear, with officials indicating that Jose Ramos Horta is leading the early count. more
- UN urges parties to accept poll results- Spy bid to keep Ulster secrets
Bombers blow themselves up
THREE bombing suspects have blown themselves up in a series of blasts after a police raid on a house in a Casablanca slum in which a fourth man was shot.
- Most child abusers are women: report
- Thai Buddhist woman killed and burned- Fretilin resurgent in Timor poll
Sheikh denies cash handout from al-Hilali
8:37am Lebanese political leader denies Australian mufti Sheikh al-Hilali passed on $10,000 in war relief donations. more
- Father, son in hospital after house fire- High-risk mission for troops
- Al-Qaeda claims Algiers attack
East Timor's poll count sparks challenge
Five losing candidates demand an immediate halt to the counting of votes in East Timor's bitterly fought presidential election. more
- No takers for White House war tsar position- Serbia jails Srebrenica death squad
Minority fears: Anzac Day linked to 'increased nationalism'
Al-Qaeda claims double bombing
BOMB attacks claimed by al-Qaeda have killed 30 people in Algeria's capital, raising fears the nation is slipping back into the intense political violence of the 1990s.
Jakarta: Aussie school teacher investigated over sex claims
Washington: 'Robin Hood' impulse to take from rich lives on
Bringing the world into focus through the lens of Scripture
K-House eNewsFor The Week Of April 10, 2007
This Week's 66/40 Radio Broadcast
Articles and Commentary
UNESCO is Rebuilding Babylon - (Read)
The Mysteries of Zechariah - (Read)
The Fastest Growing Crime in America - (Read)
Important News Headlines
Memory Verse of the Week
II Chronicles 32 - 36The Final Days of a Dynasty
Great cultures often begin with a set of foundational principles, and a golden age where people can never imagine that there could ever be a change. But then there comes a process of decay in which people reject the founding principles, or have actually forgotten what those principles were. Such was the case in the days of Josiah.
The Mystery of Babylon - DVD by Chuck Missler
The most important city in Iraq is not Baghdad and you have probably never heard it mentioned on the 10 o'clock news. It was founded by the first world dictator, Nimrod, and it may well be destined to be the capital of the final world dictator, commonly called the Antichrist! And this may all be emerging on our near horizon.DVD - $17.95MP3 Download - $7.95
This offer will expire in 7 days.
In 1985 Saddam Hussein began the arduous task of restoring the ancient city of Bablyon. He spent over 500 million dollars to reconstruct the city and build a modern residence on the ruins of Nebuchadnezzar's palace. It is said that Saddam believed himself to be something of a reincarnated King Nebuchadnezzar. The Iraqi dictator imitated the ancient ruler by having his name inscribed on the bricks used to rebuild the city. He even went so far as to mint coins that emphasized the connection between himself and Nebuchadnezzar. Unfortunately for Saddam, his grand plans for the city of Babylon were interrupted by the US invasion of Iraq. However despite Saddam's removal from power and subsequent execution, the work to rebuild Babylon has continued.Today the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization is pumping millions of dollars into Babylon and several other historical sites in Iraq. With the help of private donors the UN is hoping to turn Babylon in to a thriving center of tourism and commerce. If everything goes according to plan, Babylon will be a cultural center complete with shopping malls, hotels, and maybe even a theme park.A Destiny UnfulfilledBabylon was founded by the first world dictator, Nimrod, and it may well be destined to be the capital of the final world dictator, commonly called the Antichrist. It is mentioned over 300 times in the Bible - and many of the prophecies concerning this fascinating city have yet to be fulfilled. Don't be misled by confusing the Fall of Babylon in history with the Destruction of Babylon, as prophesied in the Bible. Many Bible handbooks, dictionaries, and commentaries give you the impression that Babylon was "destroyed" in 539 BC. But it is important to realize that when Cyrus the Great captured Babylon he was able to take it over without a battle. In fact, this feat is celebrated in the famed Cylinder of Cyrus that is featured in the British Museum in London. Babylon served as a secondary capital of the Persian Empire for two centuries until Alexander the Great conquered the Persians in 325 BC. He made it his capital; in fact, he died there. Four of his generals then divided up the empire, and subsequently Babylon gradually atrophied over the centuries.The prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah each spend two chapters detailing the catastrophic destruction that awaits this fabled city. The result of this final devastation will leave it uninhabitable; even the building materials will never be reused. This clearly has never happened in its history.Clearly Babylon, as a literal city on banks of the Euphrates, has a climactic destiny yet ahead of it. The destruction described in both the Old and New Testaments has never happened, and if we take the Bible seriously then Babylon is destined to rise again to power to receive the judgment that Isaiah, Jeremiah, and the Apostle John have described. Examining the ControversyIt is important to note that there is a great deal of debate among Bible scholars on the subject of Babylon. Are the prophetic references to "Babylon" to be taken literally or metaphorically? Is the Bible really referring to an actual city on the banks of the Euphrates? There are many good scholars on both sides of this debate. It may well be that both views are true. To learn more, check out our topical Bible study titled The Mystery of Babylon: An Alternative View (this week's special offer).
Related Links: • Unesco Puts the Magic back in Babylon - NYT • Saddam's Monument to Self - Metropolis Mag • The Mystery Of Babylon: An Alternate View - DVD - Koinonia House • The Mystery Of Babylon: An Alternate View - MP3 Download - Koinonia House
Some call the book of Zechariah, "The Apocalypse of the Old Testament." Many feel that Zechariah is the most Messianic book of the Old Testament. Among its many precious passages we find the Messiah presented as the Branch who will remove iniquity; the Shepherd; the Stone; the Coming King; the Triumphal Entry on a donkey; One betrayed for 30 pieces of silver; His Crucifixion, and His Second Coming, "looking upon me whom they pierced." This most challenging little book is second only to Isaiah in its distinctiveness and importance as a Messianic prophet. Zechariah contains more Messianic prophecies than all of the other "Minor" prophets put together. The book focuses on the Day of YHWH, the return of Israel in unbelief, their passing through the Great Tribulation, and their deliverance by King Messiah. It also may hold the key to resolving the enigma of "Mystery Babylon" and its relation to literal Babylon in prophecy. The Prophet Zechariah was a Levite born in a priestly family in Babylon who returned to Jerusalem with almost 50,000 other Jewish exiles. He was probably a relatively young man at the beginning of his prophetic ministry. Zechariah was a contemporary of Haggai the prophet, Zerubbabel the governor, and Joshua the high priest. Historical Background The fall of Jerusalem to the armies of Nebuchadnezzar in 586 BC marked the finale of the Southern Kingdom of Judah, much as the earlier defeat at the hands of the Assyrians in 722 BC brought to an end the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Most of Jerusalem's inhabitants were deported to Babylon for a period of 70 years, as prophesied by the Prophet Jeremiah. During this exile, the Prophet Daniel received the revelation that Gentile kingdoms would be dominant over Judah and Israel until God set up His kingdom on the earth under the rule of the Messiah. This period was referred to by Jesus Christ as "the times of the Gentiles." When the Babylonian Empire fell to the Persian Empire (539 BC), Cyrus the Great decreed that the Jews could return to Jerusalem to rebuild their Temple. However, only a small minority of about 50,000 Jews (including Haggai and Zechariah) returned under the leadership of Zerubbabel the governor and Joshua the high priest. Levitical sacrifices were soon reinstituted on a rebuilt altar of burnt offering, and in the second year of their return the foundation of the Temple was laid. However, external oppression and internal depression halted the rebuilding of the Temple for about 16 more years of spiritual apathy until the rule of Persian King Darius Hystaspis (522-486 BC). In the second regnal year of Darius (520 BC), God raised up Haggai the prophet to encourage the Jews in rebuilding. Haggai preached four sermons in four months and then disappeared from the scene. Two months after Haggai delivered his first sermon, Zechariah began his prophetic ministry, encouraging the people to spiritual renewal and motivating them to rebuild the Temple by revealing to them God's plans for Israel's future. With this prophetic encouragement the people completed the Temple reconstruction in 515 BC. The dated portions of Zechariah's prophecy fall within the period of the rebuilding of the Temple. The undated prophecies of Zechariah 9-14 were probably written much later in his ministry. According to Jewish tradition, Zechariah was a member of the Great Synagogue, a council originated by Nehemiah and composed of 120 members. Ezra is said to have been the president of this council, which was later succeeded by the Sanhedrin. An Enriching Adventure Zechariah, in a sense, closes the Old Testament. Luke opens with the account of another priest named Zechariah ("Yahweh Remembers") and his wife Elisabeth ("His Oath"). An angelic visit ends 400 years of silence with the announcement of the forthcoming birth of John the Baptist. This astonishing book is full of surprises, to learn more click on the links below.
Related Links: • Zechariah - MP3 Download - Koinonia House • The Minor Prophets - MP3 Download - Koinonia House • How to Study the Bible - MP3 Download - Koinonia House
In recent months several high profile security breaches have brought the subject of identity theft back into the national spotlight. In what has been described as the largest theft of consumer data in US history, computer hackers were able to steal information on 45.7 million credit and debit cards after gaining access to discount retailer TJ Maxx's database. Adding fuel to the fire, this week Georgia state health officials admitted that a computer disk containing the names, birth dates and Social Security numbers of 2.9 million Medicaid and children’s health care recipients is missing.
It is the fastest growing crime in the nation and no one is immune. Anyone can become a victim. Identity theft is when someone obtains your personal information - such as your bank or credit card account numbers, information about your income, your Social Security number (SSN), or your name, address, and phone number - and uses it without your knowledge to commit fraud or theft.
Identity theft is a serious crime. People whose identities have been stolen can spend months or years - and their hard earned money - cleaning up the mess the thieves have made of their good name and credit record. Some victims have lost job opportunities, been refused loans for education, housing or cars, or even been arrested for crimes they didn't commit. Testifying before the US Senate, Federal Trade Commission Chairwoman Deborah Platt Majoras said that almost 10 million people each year - or 4.6 percent of the adult population - discover that they are victims of some form of identity theft.
Minimize Your Risk
Although you probably can't prevent identity theft entirely, you can minimize your risk by managing your personal information wisely. Following is a list of ways you can protect yourself from identity theft:
Monitor the balances of your financial accounts. Look for unexplained charges or withdrawals.
Order a copy of your credit report and make sure it's accurate. A recent amendment to the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act requires each of the nationwide consumer reporting companies to provide you with a free copy of your credit report, at your request, once every 12 months. For more information visit the Federal Trade Commission website.
Before disposing of documents and junk mail, shred or destroy bank and credit card statements, bills, pre-approved credit offers, and anything that contains personal information such as your SSN and income or tax information.
Update your virus protection software regularly. Computer viruses can have damaging effects, including introducing program code that causes your computer to send out files or other stored information.
Don’t download files from strangers or click on hyperlinks from people you don’t know. Opening a file could expose your system to a computer virus or a program that could hijack your modem.
Use a firewall, especially if you have a high-speed or “always on” connection to the Internet.
Read Web site privacy policies. They should answer questions about the access to and accuracy, security, and control of personal information the site collects, as well as how sensitive information will be used, and whether it will be provided to third parties.
For more information on what to do if you believe your personal information has been compromised or your identity has been stolen contact the Federal Trade Commission (there is a lot of valuable information on the FTC website, see link below). We are all at risk. It is worth your time and effort to get informed about identity theft and to take precautions to protect yourself and your family from fraud.
Related Links: • ID Theft - Federal Trade Commission • Disk with Data on 2.9 Million Georgians Lost - MSNBC • Investigators Probe Theft of Consumer Data - VOA • T.J. Maxx Computer Breach Involved 45.7 Million Cards - AP
China Has Gained and Tested Array of Space Weapons - April 10, 2007China is developing an "impressive" array of space weapons, including missiles and jammers, and is moving toward placing nuclear weapons in space to attack US satellites, the commander of US strategic forces told the Senate yesterday. Washington Times
Europe Tops US in Stock Market Value - April 10, 2007Europe has eclipsed the US in stock market value for the first time since the first world war in another sign of the slipping of the global dominance of American capital markets. FT
Election Causes Tensions to Rise in Turkey - April 10, 2007As the countdown proceeds towards the May 16 presidential election in Turkey, a sense of panic pervades Turkey's secular circles, which fear the rise of an Islamic government. MEMRI
Teachers Drop the Holocaust to Avoid Offending Muslims - April 10, 2007Schools in the UK are dropping the Holocaust from history lessons to avoid offending Muslim pupils, a Government backed study has revealed. AP
Iran Enters New Nuclear Phase - April 10, 2007Iran can now produce nuclear fuel on an industrial scale, President Ahmadinejad has announced, in a move likely to further strain tensions with the West. He gave no details of Iran's capacity, but some officials said 3,000 uranium gas enrichment centrifuges were running at the Natanz plant in central Iran. BBC
If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. Colossians 3:1-3 KJV
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