Why is The Final Move Beyond Iraq such an important book? The Pew Research Center, a “nonpartisan ‘fact tank’ that provides information on the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world,” released a report this week that was one of the most exhaustive ever on Muslims living in America. While 75 percent of American Muslims say they are happy with their present circumstances, 25 percent of the under 30 group said they thought suicide bombing could be justified – under the right circumstances. According to Pew Research Center, Radwan Masmoudi, president of the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy in Washington, D.C., says, “It is a hair-raising number.” According to Mr. Masmoudi, most of the younger group that responded to the question linked suicide bombings with what they term “the fight against the occupation.” This expression frequently refers to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. U.S. officials have issued repeated warnings about “home-grown terrorists” mounting attacks in America much like those that occur with great frequency in Israel, and of late, in London. In a Pew Research Center report issued last year, Muslims in other countries were even more likely to support suicide bombing as a means to an end. In Muslim countries, that support is more than 50 percent; in France 33 percent; and the figures in Britain and Spain mirrored those in the U.S., 25 percent. Perhaps as equally disturbing is the fact that 40 percent of those surveyed said they did not believe the 9/11 attacks were carried out by Arab men, despite all of the evidence to the contrary. This is only one of the reasons why The Final Move Beyond Iraq should be read by every Senator, every Representative, indeed, every American. We can choose to ignore the message of this book, or we can embrace it and recognize the need for prayer and intercession. Will you please write a review? The extremists are trying to kill this book and stop this cause before it has even been birthed. The liberal Left believes that the 9/11 terrorists were right and that we should feel guilty for defending ourselves; that if we simply give them what they want (our lives and the soul of America). There are 1-3/4 million Muslims in the U.S. (25% of the 7 million population) who believe suicide bombings are allowable under certain circumstances. Please forward this to everyone on your list. CLICK HERE to see how you can win two all-expense paid trips to Israel in 2008 just by purchasing the book and telling your friends. All royalties from the book will be used to bless Israel. CLICK HERE to read an excerpt (Pages 266-269) from an interview with U.S. Navy Captain Charles Nash. THE MOVIE, go to www.beyondiraq.com. |
Former President Jimmy Carter launched a brutal attack on President Bush last Saturday when he was quoted as saying “I think as far as the adverse impact on the nation around the world, this administration has been the worst in history.” Mike Evans addresses the impact of the Carter Administration’s Iran policy and how it affected the Middle East and the rise of terrorist activities worldwide in his latest book, The Final Move Beyond Iraq. Below is an article about the Carter Administration’s Iran policy and how it affected the Middle East and the rise in terrorist activities worldwide. Jimmy Carter: Radical Islam’s Ally The Left in America is screaming to high heaven that the current situation in Iraq and the war on terrorism has been caused by the right wing and that President George Bush, the so-called “dim-witted cowboy,” has created the entire mess. The truth is the entire nightmare can be traced back to the liberal democratic policies of the leftist Jimmy Carter, who created a firestorm that destabilized our greatest ally in the Muslim world, the shah of Iran, in favor of a religious fanatic, the Ayatollah Khomeini. Mr. Carter viewed Khomeini more as a holy man in a grassroots revolution than a founding father of modern terrorism. His ambassador to the UN, Andrew Young, said “Khomeini will eventually be hailed as a saint.“ Mr. Carter’s Iranian ambassador, William Sullivan, said, “Khomeini is a Gandhi-like figure.” His adviser James Bill proclaimed in a Newsweek interview on February 12, 1979, that Khomeini was not a mad mujahid [ranking cleric], but a man of “impeccable integrity and honesty.“ The shah was terrified of Mr. Carter. He told his personal confidant, “Who knows what sort of calamity he [Carter] may unleash on the world?” Let’s look at the results of President Carter’s misguided liberal policies: the Islamic Revolution in Iran; the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (Mr. Carter’s response was to boycott the 1980 Moscow Olympics); the birth of Osama bin Laden’s terrorist organization; the Iran-Iraq War, which cost the lives of millions dead and wounded; and yes, the present war on terrorism and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. When Mr. Carter entered the political fray in 1976, America was still riding the liberal wave of anti-Vietnam War emotion. He asked for an in-depth report on Iran even before he assumed the reins of government and was persuaded that the shah was not fit to rule Iran. 1976 was a banner year for pacifism: Mr. Carter was elected president, Bill Clinton became attorney-general of Arkansas, and Albert Gore won a place in the Tennessee House of Representatives. In his anti-war pacifism, Jimmy Carter never got it that Khomeini, a cleric exiled to Najaf in Iraq from 1965-1978, was preparing Iran for revolution. Proclaiming “the West killed God and wants us to bury him,” Khomeini’s weapon of choice was not the sword but the media. Using tape cassettes smuggled by Iranian pilgrims returning from the holy city of Najaf, he fueled disdain for what he called gharbzadegi (“the plague of Western culture”). President Carter pressured the shah to make what he termed human rights concessions by releasing political prisoners and relaxing press censorship. Khomeini could never have succeeded without Mr. Carter. The Islamic Revolution would have been stillborn. Gen. Robert Huyser, Mr. Carter’s military liaison to Iran, once told me in tears: “The president could have publicly condemned Khomeini and even kidnapped him and then bartered for an exchange with the [American Embassy] hostages, but the president was indignant. ‘One cannot do that to a holy man,’ he said.” Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has donned the mantle of Ayatollah Khomeini, taken up bin Laden’s call, and is fostering an Islamic apocalyptic revolution in Iraq with the intent of taking over the Middle East and the world. Jimmy Carter became the poster boy for the ideological revolution of the 1960s in the West, hell bent on killing the soul of America. The bottom line: Carter believed then and still does now is that evil really does not exist; people are basically good; America should embrace the perpetrators and castigate the victims. In the ‘60s it was mass rebellion after the assassinations of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King. When humanity confronts eternity, the response is always rebellion or repentance. The same ideologues who fought to destroy the soul of America with the “God is dead” movement in the ‘60s are now running the arts, the universities, the media, the State Department, Congress, and Senate, determined more than ever to kill the soul of America while the East attempts to kill the body. Mr. Carter’s world view defines the core ideology of the Democratic Party. What is going on in Iraq is no mystery to those of us who have had our fingers on the pulse of both Iran and Iraq for decades. The Iran-Iraq war was a war of ideologies. Saddam Hussein saw himself as an Arab leader who would defeat the non-Arab Persians. Khomeini saw it as an opportunity to export his Islamic Revolution across the borders to the Shi’ites in Iraq and then beyond to the Arab countries. Throughout the war both leaders did everything possible to incite the inhabitants of each country to rebel – precisely what Iran is now doing in Iraq. Khomeini encouraged the Shi’ites across the border to remove Saddam from power and establish an Islamic republic like in Iran. Mr. Carter’s belief that every crisis can be resolved with diplomacy - and nothing but diplomacy - now permeates the Democratic Party. Unfortunately, he is wrong. There are times when evil must be openly confronted and defeated. Khomeini had the help of the PLO in Iran. They supplied weapons and terrorists to murder Iranians and incite mobs in the streets. No wonder Yasser Arafat was hailed as a friend of Khomeini after he seized control of Iran and was given the Israeli Embassy in Teheran with the PLO flag flying overhead. The Carter administration scrambled to assure the new regime that the United States would maintain diplomatic ties with Iran. But on April 1, 1979, the greatest April Fools’ joke of all time was played, as Khomeini proclaimed it the first day of the government of God. In February 1979 Khomeini boarded an Air France flight to return to Teheran with the blessing of Jimmy Carter. The moment he arrived, he proclaimed: “I will kick his teeth in” – referring to then Prime Minister Shapour Bakhtiar, who was left in power with a US pledge of support. He was assassinated in Paris by Iranian agents in 1991. On September 23, 1980, I had dinner with Isser Harel, the former head of Israel’s Mossad, at his home with Dr. Reuven Hecht, a senior adviser to then Prime Minister Menachem Begin. I asked Harel who he thought would be elected president of the United States. He said the word on the street was that Iran would vote in favor of Ronald Reagan by releasing the American hostages during the inauguration. Little did I know that for months President Carter had tried to cut a financial deal to get the hostages freed, knowing it would likely mean the presidency if he succeeded. On Inauguration Day, Mr. Carter reached a final agreement and transferred $7.977 billion to Iran from the Federal Reserve, along with signing an agreement to respect Iran’s territorial integrity and granting amnesty against law suits to Iran by the hostages or their families. I asked Isser Harel two more questions that evening. The first was what would happen to then Egyptian president Anwar Sadat. The answer was that he would be killed for preaching President Carter’s democratic delusions. My last question was would terrorism ever come to America. “You have the power to fight it,” he said, “but not the will. They have the will, but not the power. All of that will change in time. Yes, I fear it will come to New York and your tallest building, which is a symbol of your fertility.” Click here to write a review on Amazon.com. Will you please write a review? The extremists are trying to kill this book and stop this cause before it has even been birthed. The liberal Left believes that the 9/11 terrorists were right and that we should feel guilty for defending ourselves; that if we simply give them what they want (our lives and the soul of America). A NOTE FROM MIKE EVANS: We are asking every caring person to purchase books now. Why? Because this book can be driven to the #1 spot on the New York Times bestsellers’ list. Why is that important? It will place this book before tens of million of people and will open doors of opportunity to share its message and wage this battle on secular networks. The battle can be won, but it has to be fought by knowing the truth (it will set us free), and through prayer. Millions of praying saints (Daniels and Esthers) can reverse the curse. Esther won the battle: Daniel won the battle: “The people that do know their God will be strong and do exploits...” (Daniel 11:28) All royalties from the book will be used to bless Israel. THE MOVIE, go to www.beyondiraq.com. Please forward this to your friends and ask them to do the same. CLICK HERE to see how you can win two all-expense paid trips to Israel in 2008 just by purchasing the book and telling your friends. |
We must win the battle for the soul of America. We can if we unite and fight together. If those with moral clarity sleep, America’s next president may be presiding over a nuclear 9/11. Another special excerpt (Pages 128-131) from Dr. Mike Evans’ latest book, The Final Move Beyond Iraq: In November 1978, President Carter appointed George Ball, an undersecretary of state in the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, to study the situation in Iran and make policy recommendations. Ball’s eighteen-page communiqué was strongly critical of Nixon’s Iranian policies. He inferred that the rule of the shah was at an end and encouraged Carter to begin dialogue with Khomeini. It was also in November that Ambassador William Sullivan telegraphed the White House to report that the shah’s support was rapidly eroding, including that from the military. Sullivan encouraged the administration to adopt a transition policy that would support a takeover by the military and the mullahs. In his report, Sullivan called Khomeini a “Gandhi-like” personage, a moderate, and a centrist who would not personally involve himself in the politics of Iran.3 James Bill, a leading expert on Iran, proclaimed in a Newsweek interview on February 12, 1979, that “Khomeini is not a mad mujtahid [high-ranking clergyman]...but a man of impeccable integrity and honesty.”4 Somehow, these learned men totally missed the fact that Khomeini and his fellow militants viewed the revolution as a struggle between an oppressed Iran and the “Great Satan” superpower of the United States. Carter’s national security advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, advised the president to reject George Ball’s report, although Ball likened the shah’s regime to that of Humpty Dumpty in the sense that it was irreparable. Brzezinski’s counsel was that Carter should send a high-level military liaison to Iran in support of Iran’s armed forces. Carter chose General Robert “Dutch” Huyser, deputy commander-in-chief of the U.S. European Command under Alexander Haig. Huyser’s personal interaction with Iranian military leaders for over a decade made him the obvious choice. It was Huyser to whom the shah expressed his concerns that he would alienate President Carter by not moving quickly enough to institute sweeping human rights changes to appease the administration. In Huyser’s own words, he was charged by President Carter to convey [President Carter’s] concern and assurances to the senior military leaders at this most critical time. It was of vital importance to both the Iranian people and the U.S. government that Iran have a strong, stable government which would remain friendly to the United States. The Iranian military was the key to the situation.5 In my book Showdown With Nuclear Iran, I wrote of a meeting I had with Robert Huyser: Huyser was a man of principle and moral clarity and believed that his mission was to support prime minister Shapour Bakhtiar and Iran’s generals. Carter promised that the U.S. would protect and provide all assets needed to shore up the government, which was increasingly endangered by violent protests against the regime of the shah, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. Despite a history of support going back to World War II, Carter had no desire to see a pro-shah regime in power. The comparison made sense to a point: the ayatollah opposed the shah, who had a terrible record of human rights abuses. But that’s where the comparison breaks down. Gandhi was nonviolent. The Ayatollah was anything but.6 In Huyser’s assessment of the situation in Iran, he opined that the United States should have learned the importance of the “need to stand by one’s friends.”7 He felt that by abandoning the shah, a long-time partner in the region, the United States had “lost a close and sturdy ally which could have provided stability for Western interests in the Persian Gulf.”8 General Huyser said of the Carter administration:
Unfortunately for the United States, these were not all of the ills suffered as a result of electing the Georgian peanut farmer to the presidency. History will ultimately define Carter’s White House years by:
Dear Stephen, I want to share some very urgent words with you from my heart. Every major network has a copy of the book, The Final Move Beyond Iraq, and of the documentary. They will not be watching to see if the subject is one about which viewers want to talk. The only way they will be able to determine that is by going to the big .com booksellers such as Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.com. If they see that the book is number one, many of the networks will book interviews. You can make it possible for me to be your Esther or Nehemiah to the U.S. and the world. Why? I went into harm’s way in Iraq twice this year. On the morning of May 9, the very building in which I sat to interview the Minister of the Interior in the Kurdistan region was blown up. Nineteen people were killed and scores were wounded. With all my heart, I believe that had I been able to wake the nation at this time in 2001, the events of 9/11 would never have happened. I knew they would attack New York’s tallest building. (Click here to read the Jerusalem Post article.) The liberal Left does not believe evil exists because it practices New Age moral relativism. It rejects the God of the Bible, and in their world, view man as on a path toward enlightenment. One of the best examples is that of Jimmy Carter who, before the U.S. hostages were taken, believed that the Ayatollah Khomeini would be hailed a saint and the he was a “Gandhi-like” figure. As a result, a Persian revolution was born that caused the deaths of millions of innocent Christians and Jews. If you choose to accept, your assignment is to fight the battle with me...by buying a book on these two sites and telling everyone you know to do the same daily for the next two weeks. You will help launch this campaign on a high note if you do. No matter how hard I try, I cannot do this without your help. Please watch the sites, check them frequently, and pray, pray, pray. I know that terrorists are coming to America this summer to begin the war on our shores. I have been told this by top leaders in Israel and Iraq. I believe that we can push this black cloud back, but we must do it together. Leviticus 26:8 says, “Five of you will chase a hundred, and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand, and your enemies will fall by the sword before you.” Matthew 18:19 says, “Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.” I also know that if the U.S. backs down this year from Iran, our next president may well be presiding over a nuclear 9/11. I have been told that by all top Iraq and Israel intelligence leaders and also by many in the U.S. The battle for the soul of America begins today; let’s fight it to win. The battle can be won, but it has to be fought by knowing the truth (it will set us free), and through prayer. Millions of praying saints (Daniels and Esthers) can reverse the curse. Esther won the battle: Daniel won the battle: “The people that do know their God will be strong and do exploits...” (Daniel 11:32) Please pray for God’s favor on the national campaign that begins May 15 with the book, The Final Move Beyond Iraq. Pray for a great open door with the networks, and pray for strength and favor as Mike steps into the fiery furnace to battle for the soul of America. Pray for protection as he battles against God-haters and radical Islamic fanatics (9/11 types) that are living among us. Pray also that everyone you know will join the battle by getting the word out, by buying the book and movie, and by telling their friends. Pray that every pastor will preach and every Sunday School teacher and prayer group will teach on this subject using the PowerPoint program and message entitled “What is Evil” available on the www.beyondiraq.com site. Will you please write a review? The extremists are trying to kill this book and stop this cause before it has even been birthed. The liberal Left believes that the 9/11 terrorists were right and that we should feel guilty for defending ourselves; that if we simply give them what they want (our lives and the soul of America). Ninety percent of the war on terror is a media war. You can fight back today with a 5-star review. This and prayer are the only way we can win the battle now. The God-haters believe that 9/11 was the fault of President Bush and that all terror will simply go away if they are allowed to run the country and if Israel is “wiped off the map in a mushroom cloud.” There have been 2000 terror attacks in Israel, and still the liberal Left believes we should simply give the terrorists what they want. CLICK HERE to see how you can win two all-expense paid trips to Israel in 2008 just by purchasing the book and telling your friends. All royalties from the book will be used to bless Israel. CLICK HERE to read an excerpt (Pages 266-269) from an interview with U. S. Navy Captain Charles Nash. THE MOVIE, go to www.beyondiraq.com. Please forward this to your friends and ask them to do the same. |
Al-Qaeda in Iraq has claimed responsibility for a deadly attack in Erbil on Wednesday. This group killed at least 19 individuals and wounded scores more. Bands of this group have been seen on several occasions close to the border with Iran, fueling speculation that Tehran is providing support to Ansar al-Islam. A spokesperson from the Kurdish peshmerga military said that “intelligence acquired by the local authorities shows that Ansar al-Islam and Ansar al-Sunna – linked to al-Qaeda – are reorganizing their ranks and deploying their forces near the border.” Another group in the area close to the Iranian border has distributed a statement threatening what they call the “apostates of the Islamic religion” and calling for the names of those young people that had recently converted to Christianity. A source within the Kurdish government stated that, “The attack that targeted the city of Erbil was expected, despite the intense security operations in recent days. We had intelligence information that terrorist groups had plans to bring the instability of Baghdad...to Kurdistan.” In response to the attack, the Kurdish region has dispatched troops to its border with Iran. Major General Jabbar Yawir said, “Forces shall be sent in two brigades. Some will reinforce army units and border checkpoints and some will mount patrols in the region to ambush the enemy.” During my recent State visit to Erbil, President Barzani, members of his Cabinet and I talked about a solution to the problems in Iraq. I was in that very spot when I met with the Minister of the Interior Karim Sinjari to discuss how the Kurds could and would help the US win the war by putting themselves and not our troops in harm’s way. I am certain that if al-Qaeda had known I was coming, they would have attempted to kill me. While I had lunch with Minister Sinjari, we discussed that the United States needs to move a major military base into Erbil and allow the Kurds to have 100 percent of the money they were promised. The Kurds also need to have the proper equipment with which to help the US fight this war from the north to the south. They are currently using outdated and dilapidated military equipment. The United States needs to reward stable regimes economically. The Kirkuk oilfields should be turned over to the Kurds that have, in the past, controlled the Kirkuk region. Saddam killed to get them out and moved pro-Saddam regimes in to protect his investment in the area. The war in Iraq can be won; one only needs to go to Kurdistan to see one of the greatest success stories. The terrorists targeting the Kurdistan region must not be allowed to wreak the havoc on the Kurdish people that is so rampant in Baghdad. The Kurds love Christians. They are the ancient Medes mentioned in the Bible. Cyrus was a Mede, as were the Magi. There were even Medes in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost. A NOTE FROM MIKE EVANS: The battle for the soul of America is being lost. Intelligence leaders have related to me that terrorists fighting in Iraq are planning to head to the U.S. as early as this summer. If those with moral clarity sleep, America's next president may be presiding over a nuclear 9/11. In just one week, a battle will be fought for the soul of America by God-fearing men and women worldwide. I've been to Iraq twice this year; the last trip was at the invitation of President Barzani for a State visit. The book, The Final Move Beyond Iraq, will be in stores on May 15. We are asking every caring person to purchase books beginning May 15. Why? Because this book can be driven to the #1 spot on the New York Times bestsellers' list. Why is that important? It will place this book before tens of million of people and will open doors of opportunity to share its message and wage this battle on secular networks. The battle can be won, but it has to be fought by knowing the truth (it will set us free), and through prayer. Millions of praying saints (Daniels and Esthers) can reverse the curse. Esther won the battle: Daniel won the battle: "The people that do know their God will be strong and do exploits..." (Daniel 11:28) Please pray for God's favor on the national campaign that begins May 15 with the book, The Final Move Beyond Iraq. Pray for a great open door with the networks, and pray for strength and favor as Mike steps into the fiery furnace to battle for the soul of America. Pray for protection as he battles against God-haters and radical Islamic fanatics (9/11 types) that are living among us. Pray also that everyone you know will join the battle by getting the word out, by buying the book and movie, and by telling their friends. Pray that every pastor will preach and every Sunday School teacher and prayer group will teach on this subject using the PowerPoint program and message entitled "What is Evil" available on the www.beyondiraq.com site. Will you please write a review? The extremists are trying to kill this book and stop this cause before it has even been birthed. The liberal Left believes that the 9/11 terrorists were right and that we should feel guilty for defending ourselves; that if we simply give them what they want (our lives and the soul of America). Ninety percent of the war on terror is a media war. You can fight back today with a 5-star review. This and prayer are the only way we can win the battle now. The God-haters believe that 9/11 was the fault of President Bush and that all terror will simply go away if they are allowed to run the country and if Israel is “wiped off the map in a mushroom cloud.” There have been 2000 terror attacks in Israel, and still the liberal Left believes we should simply give the terrorists what they want. CLICK HERE to see how you can win two all-expense paid trips to Israel in 2008 just by purchasing the book and telling your friends. All royalties from the book will be used to bless Israel. Please forward this to your friends and ask them to do the same. |
In early April, I sat in this very same room with my son, Michael. I was the last minister of the Gospel to visit in Erbil with the Minister of the Interior. This is why this book, The Final Move Beyond Iraq, is so important. The following email is from a former colonel in the American military who accompanied us during our visit to Kurdistan: Dear Mike, You may have heard there was a bombing today in Erbil. There was. A powerful truck bomb (approx. 800 kg of TNT and mortar shell mix) exploded at approximately 8:10 AM in the roadway in front of the Ministry of Interior and Erbil Asaish (security police). So far, 15 are reported dead and 126 wounded, mostly security forces and innocents who were on the roadway. The Minister was not hurt as he had not arrived at the building yet. It has been two years since we've felt the hand of terror here, but this is certainly a reminder of the face of evil and how close we are to it. The security forces are angry. I would not want to be the friend or relative of a terror associate in Erbil at the moment. Initial indications point to Ansar al Sunna simply because they have been responsible for every major attack in the Region. I've attached three photos. The first one shows the room where we met the Minister. The second shows the front of the Minister's building. The third shows the front of the Ministry staff building. We are saddened for the loss of life and injuries. But our spirit is not dampened. If anything, this strengthens our resolve to destroy the terrorists and bring lasting peace and prosperity to these people who so dearly want that dream. My best, Harry A NOTE FROM MIKE EVANS: The battle for the soul of America is being lost. Intelligence leaders have related to me that terrorists fighting in Iraq are planning to head to the U.S. as early as this summer. If those with moral clarity sleep, America's next president may be presiding over a nuclear 9/11. In just one week, a battle will be fought for the soul of America by God-fearing men and women worldwide. I've been to Iraq twice this year; the last trip was at the invitation of President Barzani for a State visit. The book, The Final Move Beyond Iraq, will be in stores on May 15. We are asking every caring person to purchase books beginning May 15. Why? Because this book can be driven to the #1 spot on the New York Times bestsellers' list. Why is that important? It will place this book before tens of million of people and will open doors of opportunity to share its message and wage this battle on secular networks. The battle can be won, but it has to be fought by knowing the truth (it will set us free), and through prayer. Millions of praying saints (Daniels and Esthers) can reverse the curse. Esther won the battle: Daniel won the battle: "The people that do know their God will be strong and do exploits..." (Daniel 11:28) Please pray for God's favor on the national campaign that begins May 15 with the book, The Final Move Beyond Iraq. Pray for a great open door with the networks, and pray for strength and favor as Mike steps into the fiery furnace to battle for the soul of America. Pray for protection as he battles against God-haters and radical Islamic fanatics (9/11 types) that are living among us. Pray also that everyone you know will join the battle by getting the word out, by buying the book and movie, and by telling their friends. Pray that every pastor will preach and every Sunday School teacher and prayer group will teach on this subject using the PowerPoint program and message entitled "What is Evil" available on the www.beyondiraq.com site. CLICK HERE to see how you can win two all-expense paid trips to Israel in 2008 just by purchasing the book and telling your friends. All royalties from the book will be used to bless Israel. CLICK HERE to read an excerpt (Pages 255-258) from an interview with General Hugh Shelton. THE MOVIE, go to www.beyondiraq.com. Please forward this to your friends and ask them to do the same. |
The following story is from an article in USA Today. This is one of the very real issues that I address in my new book, The Final Move Beyond Iraq. We must move quickly. The terrorists have been told to begin attacking in the U.S., and it is happening. This is the reason it is urgent that I get this book into the hand of every American. Only the truth will set us free, and only prayer can save us, now. If the book is a bestseller, it will open the doors to hundreds of network shows and allow me to alert America to this crisis. WASHINGTON — An alert store clerk suspicious of a videotape exposed the plan of six aspiring Islamic holy warriors who were plotting to attack Fort Dix in New Jersey with assault weapons, the FBI said Tuesday [March 8]. Investigators in court papers described the men as "Islamic militants" who purchased weapons, staked out targets, practiced tactical maneuvers and viewed inspirational jihadist videos. The 15-month investigation began when the photo-store employee contacted police about a customer who had asked to have a video made into a DVD, court papers say. A spokeswoman for Circuit City on Wednesday said the clerk was an employee at their Mount Laurel store. Spokeswoman Jackie Foreman said the store is not releasing the employee's name but confirmed the person still works for the company. "If we didn't get that tip," said U.S. Attorney Christopher Christie, "I couldn't be sure what would happen." FBI agent J.P. Weis called the clerk the "unsung hero" of the case. The video, allegedly taped on Jan. 3, 2006, at a rented house in the Pocono Mountains, showed men in military fatigues shooting assault weapons while calling for jihad, or holy war, and shouting in Arabic, "God is great," court papers say. The clerk described the video as "disturbing," court papers say. The men, who were arrested Monday, had viewed Osama bin Laden videos, but investigators found no direct link to his al-Qaeda terrorist organization, White House spokesman Tony Snow said. "There is no direct evidence of a foreign terrorist tie," Snow said. Recorded conversations show the men sought a large number of American casualties, FBI agent John Ryan wrote in a sworn statement. "My intent is to hit a heavy concentration of soldiers," Mohamad Shnewer, one of the men arrested, said in a telephone call recorded by investigators. "You hit four, five, or six Humvees and light the whole place (up) and then retreat completely without any losses." He rued a missed opportunity to strike at the Army-Navy football game held in Philadelphia, court papers say. Shnewer and five other alleged plotters also considered Fort Monmouth Army Base and the Naval Air Station Lakehurst in New Jersey, Dover Air Force Base in Delaware and the U.S. Coast Guard building in Philadelphia, court papers show. They eliminated Dover after staking out the base and finding security too tight, court papers say. They ultimately fixed on Fort Dix because one of the men, Serdar Tatar, allegedly had easy access to the base as a delivery man for his family's pizza business in Cookstown, N.J., court papers say. Five of the six men are charged with conspiring to kill soldiers at Fort Dix and illegally purchasing firearms: brothers Dritan "Tony" Duka, 28, Eljvir "Elvis" Duka, 23, and Shain Duka, 26, of Cherry Hill, N.J.; Shnewer, 22, of Cherry Hill; and Tatar, 23, of Philadelphia. The sixth man, Agron Abdullahu, 24, of Buena Vista Township, N.J., is charged with aiding the attempt to get weapons. The Dukas, who work at a roofing business, were born in the former Yugoslavia and are living illegally in the USA, the Justice Department says. Shnewer, a cab driver in Philadelphia, is a naturalized U.S. citizen born in Jordan. Tatar, who worked as a convenience store clerk, is a legal permanent resident from Turkey. Abdullahu, a supermarket clerk, is a legal permanent resident born in Yugoslavia. As the investigation progressed, two FBI informants infiltrated the group and recorded conversations and training, court papers say. The FBI also copied Shnewer's computer hard drive, court papers say. (By Donna Leinwand, USA TODAY) A PERSONAL MESSAGE FROM MIKE EVANS: The battle for the soul of America is being lost. Intelligence leaders have related to me that terrorists fighting in Iraq are planning to head to the U.S. as early as this summer. If those with moral clarity sleep, America’s next president may be presiding over a nuclear 9/11. In just one week, a battle will be fought for the soul of America by God-fearing men and women worldwide. I’ve been to Iraq twice this year; the last trip was at the invitation of President Barzani for a State visit. The book, The Final Move Beyond Iraq, will be in stores on May 15. We are asking every caring person to purchase books beginning May 15. Why? Because this book can be driven to the #1 spot on the New York Times bestsellers’ list. Why is that important? It will place this book before tens of million of people and will open doors of opportunity to share its message and wage this battle on secular networks. The battle can be won, but it has to be fought by knowing the truth (it will set us free), and through prayer. Millions of praying saints (Daniels and Esthers) can reverse the curse. Esther won the battle: Daniel won the battle: “The people that do know their God will be strong and do exploits...” (Daniel 11:28) Please pray for God's favor on the national campaign that begins May 15 with the book, The Final Move Beyond Iraq. Pray for a great open door with the networks, and pray for strength and favor as Mike steps into the fiery furnace to battle for the soul of America. Pray for protection as he battles against God-haters and radical Islamic fanatics (9/11 types) that are living among us. Pray also that everyone you know will join the battle by getting the word out, by buying the book and movie, and by telling their friends. Pray that every pastor will preach and every Sunday School teacher and prayer group will teach on this subject using the PowerPoint program and message entitled "What is Evil" available on the www.beyondiraq.com site. CLICK HERE to see how you can win two all-expense paid trips to Israel in 2008 just by purchasing the book and telling your friends. All royalties from the book will be used to bless Israel. CLICK HERE to read an excerpt (Pages 250-251) from an interview with General Hugh Shelton. THE MOVIE, go to www.beyondiraq.com. Please forward this to your friends and ask them to do the same. |
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Dear Stephen, It is time to knock Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything off the Number 1 and 2 spots on Amazon (the world’s largest book Internet site) and replace it with a Christian book. Let the media know that God’s people are alive and well and that only the truth will set us free. If every JPT member will buy a book today and ask everyone on their list to do the same, it will happen. Let’s do it. Watch and pray. Rather than being critical of the secular media, let’s get out message out and use the media to do it. Please pray for God's favor on the national campaign that begins TOMORROW, May 15, with the book, The Final Move Beyond Iraq. Pray for a great open door with the networks, and pray for strength and favor as Mike steps into the fiery furnace to battle for the soul of America. Pray for protection as he battles against God-haters and radical Islamic fanatics (9/11 types) that are living among us. Pray also that everyone you know will join the battle by getting the word out, by buying the book and movie, and by telling their friends. Pray that every pastor will preach and every Sunday School teacher and prayer group will teach on this subject using the PowerPoint program and message entitled "What is Evil" available on the www.beyondiraq.com site. Will you please write a review? The extremists are trying to kill this book and stop this cause before it has even been birthed. The liberal Left believes that the 9/11 terrorists were right and that we should feel guilty for defending ourselves; that if we simply give them what they want (our lives and the soul of America). Ninety percent of the war on terror is a media war. You can fight back today with a 5-star review. This and prayer are the only way we can win the battle now. The God-haters believe that 9/11 was the fault of President Bush and that all terror will simply go away if they are allowed to run the country and if Israel is “wiped off the map in a mushroom cloud.” There have been 2000 terror attacks in Israel, and still the liberal Left believes we should simply give the terrorists what they want. CLICK HERE to see how you can win two all-expense paid trips to Israel in 2008 just by purchasing the book and telling your friends. All royalties from the book will be used to bless Israel. THE MOVIE, go to www.beyondiraq.com. Please forward this to your friends and ask them to do the same. |
Muslims urged to integrate more
CNN International - USA
SARAJEVO, Bosnia (Reuters) -- European Muslims should do more to integrate in their new countries and reconcile their Islamic and civic identities, ...
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Hindus, Muslims equal sufferers of communal strife
Mangalorean.com - Mangalore,India
New Delhi, May 22 (IANS) Hindus and the Muslims in India have suffered equally in incidents of communal violence that have shown a marginal increase since ...
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Dalit Muslims demand publication of Rangnath Mishra Commission report
Indian Muslims - San Diego,CA,USA
Demands from Muslims and Christians that their dalits be given reservation as well have increased and this will only intensify in light of the Commission's ...
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Muslims down shutters over Hyderabad blast
NewKerala.com - Ernakulam,Kerala,India
A procession led by BSP leader Nasir Jamal saw Muslims in large numbers wearing black bands and carrying black flags against ''high handedness'' of the ...
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First Survey of its Kind Aimed at Understanding UK Muslims' Wants ...
PR Newswire UK (press release) - London,UK
Living in a post-9/11 and post-7/7 world, Muslims perceive the media as being biased against them. In fact, almost two-thirds (65 percent) say the media is ...
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Lahore, one hundred Muslims and Christians in support of the ...
AsiaNews.it - Italy
Supporters presented statements to the local police in which Muslims present among them admitted to having being “duped” into asking for Khans arrest by ...
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Muslims neglected in Poonch, this is not done
GreaterKashmir.com (press release) - Srinigar,India
Muslims constitute about 40% of the total population. But their habitations and colonies are taking the shape of slums. Had there been no communal malice ...
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Muslims mark Mohammed's birth
Toronto Sun - Canada
Throughout this month Canadian Muslims, like their fellow Muslims around the world, use the event of Milad-un-Nabi -- or Birth of the Prophet -- as an ...
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Muslims warn of arrests backlash
The Standard - Hong Kong
Islamic groups warned police in southern India Monday that there would be a violent backlash if they arrested innocent Muslims while investigating a mosque ...
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Muslims in Germany: Obstacles prevent integration
Yemen Times - Sana'a,Yemen
Some 450000 of the 3.5 million Muslims living in Germany, two-thirds of which are Turkish, have German citizenship. However, this community, which comprises ...
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17 Muslims selected for Civil Services
Indian Muslims - San Diego,CA,USA
New Delhi: A total of 17 Muslims have cleared the written and interview process of the Civil Services Exam of 2006. The top Muslim candidate Shamim Abidi ...
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Christians and Muslims Visit Holy Sites in Turkey
Gospelherald.com - China
Ten Muslims and 10 Christians from within the Diocese of Leicester returned last Saturday from a pilgrimage to holy sites in Turkey. ...
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Sixty thousand Muslims in Indian Paramilitary Forces
Indian Muslims - San Diego,CA,USA
New Delhi: About 15.7% of OBCs are Muslims according Minority Affairs Minister AR Antulay. Mr. Antulay gave this information while replying to a question in ...
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Nigeria: Youths Protest Land Allocation to Muslims
AllAfrica.com - Washington,USA
The group expressed surprise that the state government should be allocating a land to the muslims for their mosque and Islamic school when christians in ...
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Christian Conference Focuses on Muslims in Europe
ChristianToday - London,UK
The Joint Committee for Relations with Muslims in Europe of the Conference of European Churches and the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences met from 3 ...
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Do Most Muslims Support al Qaeda?
Commentary - New York,NY,USA
Do supporters of al Qaeda make up only a tiny fraction of the Muslim world? This is what we want to believe and what American leaders, from President Bush ...
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US Muslims Fear Arrest Backlash (By Farah A. Chowdhury)
Journal of Turkish Weekly - Ankara,Turkey
"Oh God, this is going to affect all Muslims now again," Sarah Khan, a 23-year-old medical student, said on hearing reports that a terror plan had been ...
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Fort Dix Six, 9/11 and Muslims
American Daily - Stow,OH,USA
While we in the US tend to "blame" the Muslims for their "irrationality"— were you to have a serious chat with a sensible Muslim, you would hear of US ...
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Canadian Muslims seeking common ground
Canoe.ca - Canada
It is in this politically charged climate that Muslims from across the country will gather in Ottawa on May 18 to 20 to try to come to terms with what it ...
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Schools 'key to Muslims' future'
BBC News - UK
Muslims are more likely to live in the most deprived parts of Wales than the rest of the population, an official study has found. ...
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Walid will be speaking in New Jersey at Gloucester County Community Church tomorrow night at 6.30 pm, Sunday Morning Services and again Sunday Evening.
For full details go to the church's website shown below
For all our supporters in Southern California
All those who live in Irvine and surrounding towns I need you to spread the word and get people to attend the big event on May 30th at UC Irvine. Tell your pastors, Rabbi and get them to announce the event this week end and next in the Churches and Synagogues. If you need a pdf of the poster email us at walid@shoebat.com
Students and Faculty are free but We have had to charge $8.00 for non UC Irvine ID holders. This is because the hall rental and security was very expensive.
For full details go to www.3xterrorists.com
We already have about 2000 people lined up to attend but we need 3000 more to fill the place.
I promise it will be a night to remember.
As Winston Churchill said " This is not the end, it is not even the beginning of the of the end but it is perhaps the end of the beginning"
I reference this to the battle for truth on our University Campuses and in the media.
The Truth is being delivered, be part of it.
Keith Davies
Director of The Walid Shoebat Foundation
The Three Ex Terrorists are coming to UC Irvine with our largest planned event ever.
Date: May 30th 2007
Time: 7.30 pm
Place:UC Irvine Bren Event Center.
On Campus sponsors are The College Republicans
We have rented an auditorium which holds 5000 people. We have acquired the services of two PR specialists and we plan to fill the auditorium with your help, as well as around 2000 students who we estimate will attend.
The month of May is a traditional Anti Zionist festival on the UCI campus, but this year WE ARE GOING TO HAVE THE PARTY.
On Monday next the 14th of May 1200 posters with our insignia of "the three ninjas" will be go up everywhere on campus. You will not be able to walk five yards without - the three ninjas now peace activists looking at you with their beady eyes. We have printed 30,000 handouts and hundreds more notice board posters.
All our friends who live in the Southern California area - I need to you to contact your Pastors, Rabbis and friends and advise them to attend the event to support Walid, Zak and Kamal who are speaking to warn and save our great nation as well as speak for Israel.
Admission is free but I am suggesting at least a $5.00 donation which you can pay at the door when attending. These events cost in the tens of thousands to set up and any help in this regard is appreciated.
We are taking reservations for the event which guarantees entry. Email us at walid@shoebat.com for reservations giving your name(s), phone number and zip code.
If anyone would like to post a poster in their church/synagogue or at work place in Orange County, please email us at walid@shoebat.com . We will email you a pdf which you can print out and then post on your notice board.
Lets get to work and make a huge statement to put the Islamo fascists in their place, and we all know where that is!
Your attendance and getting out support is just as important as what our speakers do.
The truth is being delivered loud and clear. Be part of it.
Keith Davies
Let's hear it for Australia
Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.
A day after a group of mainstream Muslim leaders pledged loyalty to
Treasurer Peter Costello, seen as heir apparent to Howard, hinted that some radical clerics could be asked to leave the country if they did not accept that Australia was a secular state, and i ts laws were made by parliament. "If those are not your values, if you want a country which has Sharia law or a theocratic state, then
"I'd be saying to clerics who are teaching that there are two laws governing people in
Asked whether he meant radical clerics would be forced to leave, he said those with dual citizenship could possibly be asked to move to the other country. Education Minister Brendan Nelson later told reporters that Muslims who did not want to accept local values should "clear off." Basically people who don't want to be Australians, and who don't want to live by Australian values and understand them, well then, they can basically clear off", he said.
Separately, Howard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques Quote: "IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individuals or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on
We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, Learn the language! Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.
We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.
If the Southern Cross offends you, or you don't like ' A Fair Go', then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet. We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we really don't care how you did things where you came from. By all means, keep your culture, but do not force it on others.
This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND and OUR LIFESTYLE and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'.
"If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted."
Maybe if we circulate this amongst ourselves, British citizens and others will find the backbone to start speaking and voting the same truths!!
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