Truckers with criminal record could access U.S.
The U.S. government has no way of knowing for certain whether Mexican truck drivers applying for participation in a Department of Transportation program giving access to U.S. highways have criminal histories or traffic convictions. The problem is Mexico maintains no reliable national criminal database or driving history database to check its drivers, who as WND reported, would be eligible to participate in the U.S. Customs and Border Protection's Free and Secure Trade system, or FAST. FAST would enable Mexican trucks carrying loads of consumer goods into the United States to cross the border in as little as 15 seconds, according to government officials setting up the procedures. Physical inspections of truck trailers or shipment containers are kept to a minimum as they move speed through specially designated lanes. WND reported the Department of Transportation plans to certify the first participating Mexican trucking company as early as the end of April or the beginning of May. The Department of Homeland Security procedures for FAST driver applications on the southern border specify the application will be sent to the Mellon Financial Corporation and to the Customs and Border Protection risk assessment center in St. Albans, Vt.
| Court Backs Ban on Abortion Procedure
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court upheld the nationwide ban on a controversial abortion procedure Wednesday, handing abortion opponents the long- awaited victory they expected from a more conservative bench. The 5-4 ruling said the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act that Congress passed and President Bush signed into law in 2003 does not violate a woman's constitutional right to an abortion. The opponents of the act "have not demonstrated that the Act would be unconstitutional in a large fraction of relevant cases," Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in the majority opinion. The administration defended the law as drawing a bright line between abortion and infanticide. The decision pitted the court's conservatives against its liberals, with President Bush's two appointees, Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito, siding with the majority. Justices Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia also were in the majority. It was the first time the court banned a specific procedure in a case over how—not whether—to perform an abortion. Abortion rights groups as well as the leading association of obstetricians and gynecologists have said the procedure sometimes is the safest for a woman. They also said that such a ruling could threaten most abortions after 12 weeks of pregnancy, although government lawyers and others who favor the ban said there are alternate, more widely used procedures that remain legal. The outcome is likely to spur efforts at the state level to place more restrictions on abortions. "I applaud the Court for its ruling today, and my hope is that it sets the stage for further progress in the fight to ensure our nation's laws respect the sanctity of unborn human life," said Rep. John Boehner of Ohio, Republican leader in the House of Representatives.
| Russia Plans World's Longest Tunnel, a Link to Alaska
April 18 (Bloomberg) -- Russia plans to build the world's longest tunnel, a transport and pipeline link under the Bering Strait to Alaska, as part of a $65 billion project to supply the U.S. with oil, natural gas and electricity from Siberia. The project, which Russia is coordinating with the U.S. and Canada, would take 10 to 15 years to complete, Viktor Razbegin, deputy head of industrial research at the Russian Economy Ministry, told reporters in Moscow today. State organizations and private companies in partnership would build and control the route, known as TKM-World Link, he said. A 6,000-kilometer (3,700-mile) transport corridor from Siberia into the U.S. will feed into the tunnel, which at 64 miles will be more than twice as long as the underwater section of the Channel Tunnel between the U.K. and France, according to the plan. The tunnel would run in three sections to link the two islands in the Bering Strait between Russia and the U.S. "This will be a business project, not a political one,'' Maxim Bystrov, deputy head of Russia's agency for special economic zones, said at the media briefing. Russian officials will formally present the plan to the U.S. and Canadian governments next week, Razbegin said. The Bering Strait tunnel will cost $10 billion to $12 billion, and the rest of the investment will be spent on the entire transport corridor, the plan estimates. "The project is a monster,'' Yevgeny Nadorshin, chief economist with Trust Investment Bank in Moscow, said in an interview. ``The Chinese are crying out for our commodities and willing to finance the transport links, and we're sending oil to Alaska.'' In Alaska, a supporter of the project is former Governor Walter Joseph Hickel, who plans to co-chair a conference on the subject in Moscow next week. "Governor Hickel has long supported this concept, and he talks about it and writes about it,'' said Malcolm Roberts, a senior fellow at the Anchorage-based Institute of the North, a research policy group focused on Arctic issues. Hickel governed Alaska from 1966 to 1969 as a Republican and then from 1990 to 1994 as a member of the Independence Party. Alaska's current officials, however, are preoccupied with other issues, including a plan to develop a pipeline to transport natural gas from the North Slope to the lower 48 U.S. states, Roberts said. The U.S. government's Federal Railroad Administration isn't directly involved in talks about the link, agency spokesman Warren Flatau said today.
| Soon More Black-Ops Mass Shootings
There is a reason why these mind-controlled mass shootings occur around mid-April. This date connection is based upon the power elite's blood sacrifices to Satan. Recall that they committed the Waco blood sacrifice of little children on April 19th. Recall that they did the Oklahoma City blood sacrifice of little children on April 19th. Recall that they orchestrated the Columbine blood sacrifice of children on April 20th. Now, from John D. Christian, on page 65 of his book, GLADIATOR, the thesis of which is that prophetic forewarnings of horrible future events are built into the script of the movie, GLADIATOR: page 65 -- "Much can be said about how these ancient pagan nature feasts dominate the pagan mind. During the Second World War, Hitler changed May Day to {JD: the satanic feast} The Cerialia. At precisely 9 o'clock on the morning of Jewish Passover, April 19th, 1943, the EXACT time that the Cerialia would have been sacrificed in ancient Rome, the Nazis commenced to burn the Jewish Warsaw Ghetto to the ground. Using tanks with flame-throwers -- "a whole burnt offering of a pregnant cow" -- they proceeded to burn men, woment and children. Again, at 9 o'clock in the morning of April 19th, 1993, amazingly, EXACTLY fifty years later, to the day and hour, the Waco, Texas Branch Davidian Complex was burned to the ground -- {again} using tanks and flame-throwers, {again} burning men, women, and children. This time, not by an evil Nazi world leader, but ordered by the Attorney-General and the President of the United States." {JD: You see, America is now the Fourth Nazi Reich, which, like the three Nazi Reichs before it, will rise and fall. From The Bible, in The Book of DANIEL, Chapter 7, God is forewarning the people of the Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries that they shall be afflicted by several consecutive brutal empires, the first being the Lion, which is the British Empire, the second being the Eagle's Wings, which is the American Empire which God plucked up from the back of the British Lion, thus propping up the Lion to a position of great power feeding off of the God-given power of America. The Lion was given the "deceitful and treacherous heart (JEREMIAH 17) of man. Then comes the empire of the Russian Bear, and then comes the empire of the Nazi Leopard, which stalks its prey (e.g. Poland, Czechoslovakia, the World) and springs suddenly upon them. Well, that leopard has four wings of a fowl on its back. I prayed for the meaning of those four wings. Well, Irvin Baxter and others had proposed that the four wings were the four Reichs of the Nazi empire. It became evident to me that the fourth wing of the fowl upon the Leopard's back represents the American Nazi Empire, and God gave to my mind what the wings represent.
| Mind-Controlled Sirhan And VTech Shooter - Same Expressions
This is a good link on possible programmed killers. The CIA was never happy with LSD, especially after the Frank Olsen "situation." Apparently, they have found what they want in the SSRI class of medication. I wonder what percentage of our troops, currently deployed, are on SSRI type meds? (It is said to be very high. -ed) Clearly, that information would be unavailable to "privacy" of military medical records. But it would be interesting as hell to know. (And when these hundreds of thousands of young men and women return, most indelibly emotionally ruined and scarred, the numbers of shootings and violent deaths will rise dramatically. -ed) Here is an excerpt: "The use of drugs, or hypnosis, or likely a combination of both, would go a long way towards explaining Sirhan's strange behavior as recorded by the witnesses that night. Several witnesses noticed something odd in Sirhan's behavior before and during the shooting. Earlier that evening, one of the Western Union teletype operators, Mary Groh, noticed Sirhan staring at the teletype machine as though transfixed. "[H]e came over to my machine and started staring at it. Just staring. I'll never forget his eyes. I asked what he wanted. He didn't answer. He just kept staring." One of the men attempting to overpower Sirhan during the shooting, George Plimpton, was amazed that Sirhan's eyes were "dark brown and enormously peaceful." Another man in the same position, Joseph Lahaiv, described Sirhan as looking "very tranquil" during the struggle.
| Former Mossad chief: Kill Ahmadinejad
Western countries must unite in an effort to assassinate Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, former head of the Mossad Meir Amit said on Wednesday night. "Even though in the past I have been opposed to assassinating Arab leaders, this case is different because it alone is the center of the nuclear issue," Amit told the weekly Kfar Chabad magazine set be published on Thursday. Amit said he did not perceive an existential danger to Israel following Iran's nuclear development - "but that is only on condition that we do something about it." The former Mossad chief went on to say that the nuclear facility in Dimona presented a deterrent against Ahmadinejad's intentions. "I think that this is the only reason that he won't attack us," he said. - 'Declaring Iran an enemy state could be dangerous'
- Israeli-Iranians: We will never be spies
- The man charged with intercepting Iran's missiles
Meanwhile, Iran has started enriching small amounts of uranium gas at its underground plant and is already running more than 1,300 of the machines used in the enrichment process, according to an International Atomic Energy Agency document obtained Wednesday by The Associated Press. | Planned Parenthood Condom TV Ad Mocks Religion, Angels
SAN FRANCISCO, April 17, 2007 ( - Planned Parenthood Golden Gate (PPGG) has just released a "Safe is Sexy" television ad that features a young couple being interrupted from having unprotected sex by their Guardian Angels. The ad, which will appear on MTV, VH1 and FX, shows a sloppy-looking male angel eating popcorn at the head of the bed watching in delight. Then his female counterpart appears imploring him to do something. He accesses a TV remote and rewinds the scene of the couple in bed. This time the woman asks her male partner if he has any protection, to which he exclaims, "Yeah, of course." She responds, "Amen!" Catholic League president Bill Donohue commented on this ad saying, "Given the moral hollowness of Planned Parenthood, it is not surprising to learn that it is now in the business of hijacking religious imagery to pander its sex-without-consequences message. But as with PETA before it, the anti-natal salesmen will find that the faithful will tune them out." Donohue added: "Ironically, while PPGG is ripping off Guardian Angels, the California chapter of Planned Parenthood is lobbying to defeat the 'Missing Angels Act.'" The bill, which is being pushed by women who have experienced stillbirth, would require a certificate of birth when this occurs. Currently, all states are required to issue a death certificate for a stillbirth; they also require the family to bury or cremate the baby. Joanne Cacciatore, who heads the Missing Angels Foundation, has said, 'How in the world do states ethically justify telling someone they have to bury someone who they are not willing to say existed?' "What really galls Planned Parenthood," said Donohue, "is the fear that the bill would help the pro-life movement by acknowledging the humanity of the unborn child; the bill says the fetus must have advanced beyond the 20th week of gestation." "It looks like the only kinds of angels Planned Parenthood wants to affirm are those that service its deadly agenda. Planned Parenthood is to religion what matricide is to Mother's Day." Commenting on the ad on her Dawn Patrol blog, Dawn Eden of the New York Daily News, said "Planned Parenthood has long had a relationship of sorts with the Angel of Death; it invites him into its clinics a quarter-million times a year." | DHS evaluating chipped license proposal
The Department of Homeland Security is proceeding to evaluate Washington state's proposal for a driver's license "enhanced" with a radio frequency identification, or RFID, chip that would encode personal information. As WND reported , in a recorded interview earlier this month, DHS spokeswoman Naomi Elmer told WND the Washington state proposal was being considered as an initiative under the Real ID Act – the controversial measure passed in 2005 that includes standardization of state driver's licenses. Nearly half the states have voted not to participate amid criticism it will result in a de facto national ID card. DHS contacted WND, however, stating Elmer had made an error. Spokesman William "Ross" Knocke said the Washington application was being considered under the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative, not Real ID. Knocke clarified that the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative is a congressional mandate under the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004. DHS has issued WHTI requirements that as of Jan.23, U.S. citizens traveling by air between the U.S. and Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, the Caribbean and Bermuda are now required to present a valid passport to enter or re-enter the U.S.
| 'Pagan morality' to go before voters?
A referendum may be needed to allow voters to make the final judgment on the "pagan morality" endorsed by the Oregon Legislature's approval of one plan to create "gay" marriage and another to grant homosexuals civil rights minority protections, pro-family groups say. David Crowe, of the Restore America ministry said the referendum is one option being considered following the votes in the state House approving the two plans. The votes were 34-26 in favor of "gay" marriage in the state and 35-25 on Senate Bill 2 in favor of granting homosexuals the protected status as a civil rights minority. "So one option is a referendum that would put the issues before voters, he said. "I don't think we can allow this not to happen," he said. "I think the people are outraged. For us as Christians to roll over when there's still another stop to go isn't right."
| Scientist: Warming not caused by humans
Roy Spencer says we don't know yet how changes are happening MADISON - Roy Spencer is speaking up about his belief that Earth is not headed toward a global warming disaster. Spencer, a principal research scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville and former NASA scientist, said he knows he's in the minority with his opinions, but he doesn't believe manmade influences are causing catastrophic climate changes. "We see something change in our climate and we blame ourselves," Spencer told the Republican Women of Madison during a lunch meeting Wednesday. Spencer contends there is not yet enough known about the Earth's atmosphere to understand exactly what occurs naturally to stabilize the earth's climate. "I don't think we understand what happens. We can watch it happen on the (climate) models, we know it happens, but we don't know for sure how it happens," Spencer said. Developing new energy technology is the only way to know for sure, he said, because he believes the existing climate models are too sensitive. He said everything about the climate is tied to precipitation systems. But the climate models don't consider precipitation efficiency. However, he said the little evidence that exists shows precipitation systems act as a natural thermostat to reduce warming.
| IAEA: Iran Has 1,300 Centrifuges Up and Running
Jacqueline Shire contributed to this report. International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors have confirmed through firsthand observation that Iran has over 1,300 centrifuges in operation, a diplomat close to the organization told ABC News. The finding, noted in an April 18 letter from the IAEA to Iran, confirms earlier ABC News reporting that Iran had drastically increased its capacity to enrich uranium, which can be used for reactor fuel at low levels of enrichment or for nuclear weapons at much higher levels. In the letter, the IAEA wrote that Iran has claimed to have "eight cascades" operating at the Natanz fuel enrichment plant. Each cascade consists of 164 centrifuges, bringing to just over 1,300 the number of centrifuges Iran is operating. IAEA inspectors have been into the underground cascade halls and seen the centrifuges, the diplomat told ABC News. | No reasons for Russian-U.S. cooperation on missile defense - Sergei Ivanov
YEKATERINBURG. April 19 (Interfax) - Moscow does not see any grounds for Russian-U.S. cooperation in strategic anti-missile defense, First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov announced on Monday. "As for possible cooperation in strategic anti-missile defense, honestly speaking, I see no reasons for that," Ivanov told reporters in Yekaterinburg. "We believe this strategic anti-missile defense system is somewhat chimerical, to put it mildly," he said. "One can find a much cheaper response to any such system," Ivanov said.
| Chinese make first artificial snowfall
China claimed yesterday to have caused a snowfall for the first time as part of its increasingly ambitious attempts to control the weather. Officials in the meteorological bureau in Tibet said they had used "rain-seeding" techniques to trigger a snowfall over the city of Nagqu last week. "This proves it's possible for humans to change the weather on the world's highest plateau," said Yu Zhongshui. The bureau said it had produced just under half an inch of snow at a height of 15,000ft. Mr Yu said the experiment was conducted in the hope it would lead to alleviating drought on the northern Tibetan plateau, whose grasslands are turning brown as global warming melts and drains its permafrost. The government also hopes that the project will benefit the great river systems of China. The Yellow, Yangtse, Salween, Mekong and Brahmaputra rivers all rise in Tibet, and the effects of damming and over-extraction for agriculture are beginning to threaten water supplies to major cities. China is the world's largest practitioner of rain-seeding, a controversial procedure that involves releasing silver iodide as a catalyst into clouds either by aircraft or by firing cannon shells into them. It employs 37,000 people on the programme, which it uses to trigger rainfall principally to maximise water supply in the drought-prone north of the country, although in Beijing it is often said to be part of attempts to ensure a blue sky for major events. Authorities have already promised to use rain-seeding before the Olympics to clear the often gloomy August skies for the opening ceremony.
| More young doctors oppose abortions on ethical grounds
The NHS abortion service is heading for a crisis because increasing numbers of doctors refuse to carry out terminations, it was claimed. There has been a big rise in young medics with 'conscientious objections' to abortion. The increase has been revealed by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. It says there is evidence of a 'slow but growing problem' of young doctors opting out of abortion training on moral grounds. Some senior doctors have blamed declining interest on the lack of 'glamour' involved in the work. This has been dubbed 'dinner party syndrome' where doctors don't want to admit to their friends that they do abortions. In addition, changes to training schedules and reductions in working hours mean trainee doctors are opting out of a branch of specialist work that may not enhance their career prospects.
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